In 2014, TJS designed and developed a website for the Red Poll Cattle Society, which was founded in 1888 to promote the development of the breed, and its use within the livestock industry. The Red Poll Cattle Society website has always been the focal point for society members and a place where members can buy and sell their livestock, widen their knowledge base, and learn of forthcoming events.
The Brief
During the coronavirus pandemic, social restrictions that were in place forced more people to turn to digital media; the society’s website took on an even greater role for its members as it became the often sole means by which members could communicate and keep in touch. With the increased traffic to the website, the needs of the society had outgrown the technology used in its original website.
Our Solution
We have designed and developed a bespoke, new website for the Red Poll Cattle Society that is bright, fresh and attractive. The new website has been developed in line with Google’s best practice criteria. When measured against Google Lighthouse, the recognised benchmarking tool, the recently launched website has achieved just one point off a perfect score, placing the Red Poll Society in the strongest position to achieve commercial success. To put this into context, only 5% of websites globally achieve ONE score above 90% (indicated in green) and we have achieved FOUR.