Bespoke Ecommerce Site – Site Launch
TJS is happy to announce that the new, bespoke ecommerce site for Cableties Online has been launched!
The fully specified site replaces the company’s three previous websites, and is an amalgamation of all the functionality and products into one SEO focused platform.
As the visual below demonstrates, we have successfully met the requirements of Google’s challenging Lighthouse test, which scores a website’s performance in four areas, while improving the functionality and useability of the site.
Source: Google Lighthouse Report - (Version 6, 08/09/2020)
In the prevailing, challenging marketplace Cableties Online is now therefore equipped with the best possible platform to capitalise on businesses once again being able to trade fully.
If your business could benefit from the successes experienced by our bespoke ecommerce clients, call today to find out more on 01507 525 500.