A TJS Website Gets Massive Media Coverage for Revolutionary Hot Potato.

This week, TJS client, Naturally Best of Lincolnshire hit the media headlines with a new development for the potato lover. The Vivaldi potato has up to 38 per cent less carbohydrate and 56 per cent fewer calories than other potato varieties.
The excitement and activity has caused the media and health professionals to continually refer to the new launch as a "major step for dieters and the health conscious".
"At first we were concerned that the Vivaldi news would not get the reaction we hoped for, but now the media coverage is extensive - ranging from newspapers, magazines, newspapers, television and online news sources", said a spokesperson from Naturally Best.
The Vivaldi website, vpromo.co.uk, has also had its fair share of interest and activity, increasing the number of unique visitors to the site by over 59%.
"We are delighted for Naturally Best," said Richard Giles, Project Manager at TJS Online. "We work very hard with our clients to maximise their website potential and to get the best for them and their businesses. We are of course also very pleased with the way that their website has functioned given the massive increase in interest and activity online".
Currently there are a substantial number of links and references to the Vivaldi site from the national papers and Internet information services causing the website to rank in the top three throughout a range of online search and news reporting agencies.