New website for a rare cattle breed society
In agriculture a rare breed is one that has a reduced breeding population and, because of small numbers, may have threatened conservation status. Red Poll Cattle is one such breed which is on the Rare Breeds’ Survival Trust Watch List, and the Red Poll Cattle Society, based in Essex, dates back to 1888.
In 2014, TJS designed and developed the society’s original website which has subsequently taken on an even greater role for its members since the pandemic. During the social restrictions that were in force at the time, more people than ever turned to digital media to communicate and keep in touch with social groups and organisations. The Red Poll Cattle Society website is now the main point of focus for all membership information and news and the decision has been made to commission a complete redesign and development.
TJS has been working with the committee to deliver a bespoke built website that will be bright, fresh and attractive, with effective and optimised SEO, and we are looking forward to unveiling it very soon.